There is no need to "fix" the POV + no avatar can give this to you.

There is no need to "fix" the POV + no avatar can give this to you.

The unconditional gaze doesn’t attempt to fix. 

You do not need to be fixed. You, who are reading this: you do not need to be fixed. Everything that you perceive at the POV level—it doesn’t need to be fixed. I used the word “melting” before—it isn’t the same as fixing. It isn’t the same as changing. “Melting” something happens spontaneously. When you shine the light of the sun on ice, it melts spontaneously, without needing to be fixed or changed. The sun simply shines; it doesn’t shine in order to fix or change.

Even if you perceive that something is wrong at the avatar level, always recall that there is nothing inherently wrong with you. You might be in a trap full of poisonous snakes—that sucks truly badly and something’s wrong about that situation, probably. But that doesn’t make you, the being that is you, wrong.

The more we practice the storyteller’s eye, the more this truth reveals itself spontaneously. But it also helps to know this at the head level. (=Superficial level.)

If a kid is being bullied, does that make the kid’s existence wrong? Of course not. The experience of being bullied sucks, but that has nothing to do with the kid’s being. The kid’s being is untouchable. It is pristine.

What this kid needs/wants, first and foremost, isn’t fixing. If we’re only focused on the avatar world, we may think that the first and foremost thing is some external fix, but that is never the case. Imagine if someone were to, indeed, punish the bully. Hell, maybe, the bully even dies. Maybe some vigilante, who goes around killing bullies, comes to kill the bully. Problem solved, for the bullied kid, no?

No. Problem not solved. Because, unless the kid fully embraces what happened in its POV, likely, it will live in fear of the next bully. Or it will live in fear of the general unfairness of society. And so on and so forth.

Thus, the first and foremost thing that the kid needs/wants is someone to “experience its POV with it.” It’s someone who will gaze at everything that the kid has gone through, despite its being bullied. Conditional love is nice and useful, but first and foremost, what the kid wants/needs is unconditional love. In the kid’s most miserable, abandoned, suffering state, it needs an entity that will accept it as is. And, ironically, when one only tries to fix, one rejects the chance to do so.

Also, what avatar can give this unconditional love to the kid?


There is not a single avatar “out there” who can understand what the kid has experienced, because, quite clearly, no avatar is the avatar of the kid.

Only the storyteller can give unconditional love to the kid—because the storyteller is the kid.

It’s the same as how, within a novel, no supporting character can truly experience what the main character went through; only the novelist knows everything that’s going on within the main character. (Fundamentally, all supporting characters are the main character—nothing is separate. But there is no need to take The Storyteller’s Eye all the way there. Accepting the connection between the storyteller and the main character—you—suffices.)

This worldview, that there is nothing outside of us because we’re the storyteller as well as the avatar, gives us great power.

If one’s POV is specialized to believe that the avatar world is all there is, it may appear that the bullied kid is alone. But in this worldview, by definition, the kid cannot be alone. There is absolutely no way. 

And because POV is reality, the more one actually knows the eye’s existence to be true, the more the world unfolds in such a way that one can never be alone.

The worldview tag is best read in this order. The later posts build on the earlier posts.