Recommended resources.

The following resources have helped me shape my worldview for The Storyteller's Eye:

"True Meditation" by Adyashanti (spirituality/religion)

A short book on practice-focused (as opposed to theory-focused) meditation.

"The Poetics of Space" by Gaston Bachelard (phenomenology/architecture)

This honey-sweet book is great for:

  • feeling the intellect (the mind-body connection; the mind = body experience)
  • perceiving the dream as the dreamer and the dreamer as the dream
  • imagining desired spacetime coordinates

The overall body of work from Haru (spirituality)

Psychology, biology, quantum physics, religion, spirituality... There are many ways to approach the "I." The label is irrelevant. What is relevant is the warmth with which the "I" is approached.

Does one put the "I" on a dissection table to study, analyze, and statisticize its every part during/after it's been cut into pieces by a scalpel, so that others can verify and confirm the objective rational reasonable value of the "I"? Or does one approach the "I" with the fundamental assumption that it is to be cherished, no matter whoever else may or may not say?

By organizing a system that supports the latter path, Haru has probably saved me from decades of misery. Many people for millennia have talked about the gaze, but not necessarily with an emphasis on the warm gaze. And with the warm gaze, it's almost impossible to go wrong.

  • Haru's website: Currently not available in English
  • Haru's Youtube channel: It's a Korean channel; I am adding the English subtitles, from the oldest videos to the newest ones. Watching the videos in chronological order is useful, because they build on each other. This channel is the free resource that helped me most directly in a practical way--and I watch Youtube in three languages.